Molded from soft buoyant foam preserves the life of your device Form fitting. Can still use while always protected. Dry Pak Floating Waterproof Cell Case x - Overton s Dry Pak Floating Waterproof Cell Case, x 6.
This i Case Can Float Like a Boat - Mashable Jun 2 2012. Waterbuoy Miniature Flotation Device - The Green Head If you plan on hitting the high seas anytime soon, keep your keys, cell , tools and other small items protected from a deep, watery grave with the cool new. Waterbuoy - Miniature Floatation Device Waterbuoy, the World s 1st and strongest intelligent miniature floatation device visible at night.
Ingenious self-activating buoyancy device for keys, cameras, s Mar 2 2008. Floating waterproof cell carrying case allows your device to float to the surface, ideal for retrieval from deep water. LifeProof i 55S LifeJacket Float - Orange: Cell.
There are lots of commercial floats for 5-1 or you can just tie an empty 500ml or so water bottle onto the lanyard for added flotation.